Date of the competition
Venue - the reservoir is being specified
1. Organization of the competition
Organization and management of the competition is entrusted to the organizing committee in accordance with the REGULATIONS
2. Goals and objectives
2.1. Popularization of sport fishing as an active and healthy lifestyle.
2.2. Popularization of respect for the caught fish and promotion of the catch / release principle (ON).
2.3. Improvement of skills and abilities in fishing with a feeder.
2.4. Communication of like-minded people, exchange of experience between participants.
3. Place and timing of the competition
3.1. Date of the competition:
3.2. Venue of the competition:
3.3. Meeting point: to be announced later.
3.4. Maximum number of athletes:
4. Requirements for participants in the competition and the conditions for their admission.
4.1. Anyone over 17 years old can take part in the competition, athletes under 17 years old can only take part in the presence of an accompanying person or coach.
4.2. Competitions are held in individual classification.
4.3 . Participants of the competition are obliged to comply with this Regulation, the Rules and Regulations of the competition, observe safety measures on the reservoir, ensure the safety of public and personal property.
4.4 . Registration of participants is carried out on this site , as well as on the FB WFL 2020 page https://www.facebook.com, on the site http://www.matchfishing.ru/forum
5.1. Application fees - ... per person (payment for the services of the reservoir, premium attributes, organizational costs).
5.2. Participants of the competition who were withdrawn from the competition by the Organizer for violating the Competition Rules (as well as voluntarily withdrawn from the competition) will not be refunded entry fees.
6. The order of the competition
6.1. Competitions are held in one round in full accordance with the REGULATIONS OF THE COMPETITION , lasting 6 hours.
Sector width - not less 9 meters (depending on the number of participants)
5.30 - 6.30 - Gathering and registration of participants.
6.30 - 6.45 - General formation and electronic drawing of lots.
6.45 - 8.15 - Preparation. Lure is allowed only from the start!
8.15 - START.
14.15 - Finish. After the Finish signal, Participants are obliged to pull the tackle out of the water.
14.15 - 14.45 - Tackle collection, all participants remain in their places and wait for the judges to weigh the catch.
14.45 - 15.45 - Calculation of results. General gathering, awarding of winners.
Note: the start and finish of the competition, at the initiative of the organizers, can be postponed.
IMPORTANT! All participants are required to strictly adhere to the registration time!
6.2.1. You can only feed it from the moment you start.
6.2.2. The amount of groundbait is limited. A participant is allowed no more than 5 kilograms of dry mix. You can use the soil and live components (worm / bloodworm / maggot) without restriction, but within reasonable limits.
It is allowed to use both basic and homemade baits and attachments. Floating nozzles are prohibited!
6.2.3. All caught fish are taken into account.
6.2.4. A feeder rod is used for fishing. After the "start" signal, there should be no more than one tackle per participant in the water. The maximum number of hooks on one tackle is 1 piece. The number of spare gear is not limited.
6.2.5. If the fish was spotted before the Finish signal, the participant is given 5 minutes to play the hooked fish.
6.2.7. Feeding is allowed only with a feeder trough! Method feeders are prohibited !
6.2.8. The use of a landing net is mandatory! The length of the cage is at least 2.5 meters. Attention! Metal cages are prohibited!
6.2.9. Viewers are prohibited from go into the sector, help the participants during fishing, fish in, hold tackle in their hands, etc.
6.2.10. Throwing groundbait into someone else's sector is strictly prohibited!
7. The procedure for determining the results of the competition
7.1. The result is determined by the weight of the catch. The first three prizes are taken by athletes who have caught the maximum weight in their zones. If the weight of the catch of several athletes in the zone is equal, the place in the zone is determined as the arithmetic mean of the adjacent places occupied by the arguing athletes.
8. Awarding nominations
At the end of the tournament:
1st place - Cups, medals
2nd place - Cups, medals
3rd place - Cups, medals
Possible prizes from competition partners.
9. Competitors are prohibited from:
9.1. To fish before the "Start" signal and after the "Finish" signal until the end of the competition.
9.2. Fishing in a foreign sector.
9.3. Litter on the territory of the receiving reservoir.
9.4. Located in a foreign sector.
9.5. Go into the water.
9.6. Participants can be removed from the competition:
9.6.1. For violation of the order and rules of the competition set forth in this Regulation.
9.6.2. For behavior that offends human dignity.
9.6.3. All controversial points during the competition are decided by the organizer, whose decision is final.
10. Ensuring the safety of participants and spectators
10.1. Participants and spectators are obliged to comply with the safety requirements on the reservoir and all the norms of this Regulation.
10.2. If there are obstacles for the competition of a weather or other nature, the competition may be suspended or canceled. The decision on the suspension or cancellation of the competition, as well as on their continuation, is taken by the organizers.
11. Notes:
11.1. The organizers have the right to change the regulations due to unforeseen circumstances, including weather conditions.
11.2. The organizers may decide on the early completion of the competition.
Main judge:
Competition Commandant: